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■3058 / inTopicNo.1)  ペイパルの残高を日本の口座へ送金できなくなりました、
□投稿者/ kido -(2006/05/02(Tue) 00:47:14)
    本日ペイパルから以下のようなメールが届き、ペイパルの残高を日本の銀行へ送金手続きしたものがキャンセルになってしまいました。 その後もう一度残高を送金しましたがすぐにキャンセルしましたとメールが届きます。 どうも過去の取引で商品が相手に届いていないというような内容ですが 1ヶ月前の取引で発送はEMS、取引完了後に落札者から苦情は一切ありませんでした。 ペイパルの残高をみるとこの取引の代金が勝手に引き落とされていて米ドルの残高はマイナスという表示であります。 
    このような状況ですがどなたかアドバイスをいただけませんでしょうか? 過去のログも拝見させていただきましたが 自分と全く同じような案件が見つかりませんでした。


    Dear ********

    It has come to our attention that you may be the recipient of potentially
    unauthorized funds. We have initiated an investigation into this event. In
    the meantime, we have placed a temporary hold on the funds in question until
    the investigation is complete. This temporary hold will show as a deduction
    in your available balance. In the meantime, you are free to continue
    transacting using your PayPal account.

    Transaction Date: Mar. 22, 2006 17:51:51 PST
    Transaction Amount: $318.00 USD
    Payor's Email: *************

    If you have not delivered the goods or services related to this
    transaction, we ask that you delay or stop delivery until our investigation is
    complete as you may be liable for the amount in question.

    To assist us in our investigation, please send an email to with the following information:

    1. The item, service or purpose of the purchase, and the associated value;
    2. The name and address given to you by the sender (if an item was
    3. If shipped, the company used for shipping, date of shipment, and
    tracking number for the shipment;
    4. Details of any other transactions related to the transaction(s) in
    5. A phone number where you can be reached during the day and evening; and
    6. Insurance information, if applicable.

    Any additional information you have regarding this transaction, such as
    email correspondence, will further help us to expedite our investigation.
    Solving these cases helps us continue to offer PayPal as a secure and
    cost-effective payment service. We appreciate your cooperation and assistance.

    PayPal Account Review Team

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