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■251 / inTopicNo.1)  NO TITLE
□投稿者/ SETSUO -(2009/05/16(Sat) 00:06:42)
    Hi Setsuo, Sorry, I have created a problem. The watch you bought was listed with a payment options of PayPal using my old email address. I can not recieve payment with this listing. PayPal tells me you have to cancle the current payment and they submit a payment with PayPal with the "send money" feature and send to my current email address -
    Sorry for the inconvience, Doug
    (you can call paypal at 1-888-221-1161 for details) Item#220409974048

    pay palは、支払済みで、このメールが来ました。意味が良く分からず困っています。よろしくお願いします。

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