PAYPAL質問掲示板 宣伝禁止!

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■322 / 親階層)  これ本物ですか?
□投稿者/ ケイ -(2009/08/24(Mon) 11:30:50)
    Due to concerns we have for the safety and integrity of the PayPal
    community we have issued this message.

    It has come to our attention that your PayPal account information needs to be updated.
    If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your
    records you will not run into any future problems with the online service.
    However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension.
    Please update your records by August 24, 2009.

    Once you have updated your account records your PayPal account will not be
    interrupted and will continue as normal.
    Please follow the link below
    and update your account information.

    PayPal Service Department



前の記事(元になった記事) 次の記事(この記事の返信)
親記事 →Re[1]: これ本物ですか? /管理人

Nomal これ本物ですか? / ケイ (09/08/24(Mon) 11:30) #322 ←Now
Nomal Re[1]: これ本物ですか? / 管理人 (09/08/28(Fri) 18:05) #327

All 上記ツリーを一括表示 / 上記ツリーをトピック表示


掲示板TOP HELP 新規作成 ツリー表示 スレッド表示 トピック表示 検索 過去ログ

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